10 Questions that may help your game
Blog 14/365 Very short post tonight after a busy day and a late evening of coaching. Some questions that are really valuable in the coaching process and may just spark you into a little self discovery... 1. Why do you play golf? 2. Where do you see your golf game in 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, and 5 years from now? 3. What are the strengths of your game? 4. What are the weaknesses in your game? 5. What do you practice most? 6. What does your pre-shot routine consist of? 7. What are your rules for yourself on the golf course? 8. Can you hit the 9 shot Matrix? 9. Do you practice under pressure? 10. Do you review your rounds? Over the next couple of blog posts I am going to provide my answers for these questions, and I invite you to consider your own responses, and if you would like to post them in the comments below.