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Blog 13/365

Too busy to play golf? Ahhh, the busy trap...I have been an inhabitant of such a place at various points in my life. It became my go to answer for the question ‘how are you’. Me...’so busy’, ‘super busy’, ‘flat out’, or some variation of the phrase. I very much got caught up in wearing the ‘busy’ badge with honour. Too busy to do things I enjoy, such as playing golf! It was often put to one side, in favour of some misplaced sense of duty to my Inbox. But it’s only in the last couple of years as I have had to try and find some type of balance in juggling a busy Pro Shop, coaching, family, and other pursuits that I have realised how important it is not to fall into the busy trap. Time is valuable, and it can very easily be sucked up with just one more look at the emails, just 5 more minutes on Facebook, or some other such trivial task. I now try as best I can to schedule in a game of golf each week either with friends, family or my members at Roe Park. I come off the course excited and feeling the buzz of the game again. I’m not trying to win the Open, but playing it for the love of playing the game. If you can manage it, make some time in your calendar, start small if you must, and put in an hour on the range or 9 holes with a buddy. Emails will wait, your missed calls can be returned, and you will feel refreshed and more energetic than ever. 

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